
Coordinates:  46°44’26″ N   8°58’56″ E   850m ASL

The Trun landing field is roughly 76km from the Heimat takeoff (i.e. around 10km beyond Disentis) and is usually a safe, convenient option.

Location of Trun, viewed from the west

It lies to the west of the village, and you can expect to be able to confirm its location by the presence of a windsock.

Approaching Trun from the west

The breeze at ground level (by the time you could arrive here from Fiesch, i.e. in the afternoon) is likely to be light to moderate, from the east. However, a substantial meteo flow from between west and south-west may inhibit or even reverse the normal valley breeze.  In significant south overpressure, it’s possible for föhn to break through down the Val Sumvitg and cause turbulence in this area, but this effect is less likely here than it would be back in Disentis (from the Val Medel) in the same circumstances.

View of Trun landing field from the north

As you can see, there are two-storey buildings around the landing field, which are said to be capable of causing slight turbulence in strong winds, but I have only ever experienced smooth conditions when landing here.

View of Trun landing field from the north-east

Once you’ve packed up, it’s around 10 minutes walk to the station, from which the last train heading back towards Fiesch departs at 18:54, taking three hours.

On final approach to the Trun LZ from the west